📸 “Image, tell me your story!” Predicting the original meta-context of visual misinformation
Jonathan Tonglet, Marie-Francine Moens, Iryna Gurevych
EMNLP main conference. 2024. [preprint] [code]
⚖️ Evaluating text classification: A benchmark study
Manon Reusens, Alexander Stevens, Jonathan Tonglet, Johanness De Smedt, Wouter Verbeke, Seppe vanden Broucke, Bart Baesens
Expert Systems with Applications. 2024. [paper] [code]
🐥 Predicting the demographics of Twitter users with Programmatic Weak Supervision
Jonathan Tonglet🎓, Astrid Jehoul🎓, Manon Reusens, Michael Reusens, Bart Baesens
Transactions in Operations Research. 2024. [paper] [code]
🎓 Equal contribution
🔮 SEER : A Knapsack approach to Exemplar Selection for In-Context HybridQA
Jonathan Tonglet, Manon Reusens, Philipp Borchert, Bart Baesens
EMNLP main conference. 2023. [paper] [code]